Tuesday, May 29, 2012


 We pulled out the baby pools this weekend (two are needed to protect Isaac from the crazies). I couldn't resist taking some pictures of Isaac in similar positions to Kuya Nathan at this age. I see quite a bit of resemblance in these boys!

And both are HUGE fans of water!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Soccer Mom

 So I live in the suburbs, drive a minivan and now I have a kid playing soccer. 

 Nathan played a six week session of soccer this spring and he really enjoyed it. He was one of the youngest out there, but played hard, scored a few goals and LOVED when he had the chance to be goalie. 

The last day, the parents and little siblings played the team. We were surprised that Emie wasn't afraid to get in there and go for the ball. Didn't think she had a competitive side, but maybe she does!

Nathan's biggest fans!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cubbies awards

Nathan finished out his first year of Cubbies!  He learned 30+ verses and had a great time! The last week was an awards ceremony and the kids performed a few songs for us. Nathan's teacher was absolutely wonderful and she told me she is excited to have him again next year. Emie will hopefully be able to join in the fall too. We just aren't sure she can handle staying up late for it, but we'll give it a try.

Nathan was excited to receive his certificate and his Cubbie bear pin for his vest. Please ignore the large iron mark on my son's vest. It couldn't possibly be from a harried Mom who was trying to iron on the last of the patches a few minutes before leaving for the ceremony. I am always prepared well in advance of such events and I always meticulously sew each patch on instead of ironing, so that couldn't possibly be how it happened!

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

What we are reading . ..

Nathan: We just finished reading The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Walmer and he is hooked!

Emie: She has been quite faithful to The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin by Beatrix Potter for some time. She is often looking for Nutkin when we walk Bailey, but we have yet to find a squirrel missing his bushy tail. Let us know if you see him.

Isaac: He seems amused by Baby Giggles by Rachael Hale. You know, when he isn't chomping it!

Me: I just read Nurture Shock by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman. Very interesting stuff! I think I'll finally read The Hunger Games next. Yes I am far, far behind!

Gus: He is all NBA right now!