Sunday, June 27, 2010

A hodge podge of summer fun

We've been busy having fun these days, so here are some pictures of the kids being kids.

Tita Grace came to visit and took Nathan on his first train ride. He was so excited! He went to his little bank and pulled out $1 for his fare and we put it in his pocket. On the way there, he kept checking to make sure it was still there. He wanted to make sure he would be able to pay the conductor when he said "all aboard!"

We went to the zoo to check out the dolphin show. We also took in the special stingray exhibit and per Nathan's request, the monkeys. I had to get a picture of my little otters. These two LOVE the water!

Nathan making monkey sounds. He asked if he could nap with the gorillas.

Emie tried to dive in the stingray tank.

Emie and Daddy waiting for the dolphin show. She loved it! She was clapping and squealing the whole time. Too bad Nathan decided to "lose it" and spent the end of the show in time out on a zoo bench :( Not my favorite part of mothering.

We've been enjoying picnics at the parks. What better way to burn some toddler energy?!

Potty training + lots of rain =

Lots of rain + kids that really want to go swimming =

Hope you're all having fun too!


MNK said...

I love how the kids ended up in the bathtub after wanting to swim. That's where Emery and I ended up after our almost first swim at the lake disaster. For other reasons though :)

Kelly said...

Looks like you are having a lot of fun! So glad you're able to spend time at the pool! We're having a lot of fun, too, and playing at the pool, too!