Wednesday, May 18, 2011

He Redeems

In June of 1991, Mt. Pinatubo erupted for the first time in documented history. It launched pyroclastic flow called lahar over 16 kms away and left a 2.5 km wide crater. Fortunately, there had been research going on in the area following a large earthquake in the previous year and the volcano was predicted and a complete evacuation performed. Only 800 lives were lost, but the area was decimated economically and the U.S. military pulled out of the region. Every rainy season since has brought more destruction to the area from erosion and flooding. Gus' family lived about an hours drive from Mt. Pinatubo and he remembers shoveling ash off of their roof.

We had the opportunity to trek to the crater with our nieces and nephews and it was a wonderful trip! The first half of the trek involves a 2 hour ride in 4 x 4 vehicles over the lahar and river. Quite a bumpy ride! We were a little concerned about my doing that part of the trip with peapod along for the ride, but all was well.

My sister in law, Grace, had just arrived late the night before and had been at least 48 hours without sleep, but pulled off her Jackie O look and was ready to go.

One of the 4 x 4 vehicles broke an axle and we had to stop for a bit while we waited for another vehicle. This is about half of the group that went.

After the 4 x 4 portion, we hiked another 2 hours or so to the crater. You used to be able to get within a 15 minute hike of the crater, but due to all of the erosion each year, it is longer now. I love the journey of hiking and was very glad we had a chance to enjoy the scenery on foot. The beginning of the hike was mostly walking on ash and back and forth through small rivers. There really aren't clear trails as the land is always changing, but you are required to take a guide with you as well as a guy with a big gun, so you are in good hands!

The last part of the hike is far more rocky and lush.

When you reach the top of the natural stairs, you instantly have a beautiful view of the whole crater. Truly one of the most striking views I have seen.

I am proud to say, that even in my pregnant state, I reached the top well before anyone else and had a moment to take in the view. I was instantly struck by God's redemption in this world. He takes the horrible, destructive and painful things of this world, and he makes beauty. He declares his Glory. When everyone reached the top, we felt compelled to stop and pray. To praise God for what he has done with this mountain and what he has done, and will do, with the ugliness in our own lives.

He redeems.


MNK said...

Wait...a gun?!?!

Spicy Magnolia said...

Love this, Tracy. What a great visual reminder of Truth!

Kelly said...

Wow! What a memorable trip, and so glad God spoke to you in such a special way. I praise Him too for being the redeemer in all things. I keep reminding myself if that truth as some things find redemption sooner than others. I like the name peapod! :)

Lauren Gyorfi said...

The pictures are gorgeous. I can't imagine how beautiful the real thing was. By the way, congratulations. I did not know you were pregnant.