Friday, December 30, 2011

Prepping for Christmas 2011

Advent at the Arceos was a lot of fun this year! Nathan is understanding more and more about the significance of what Christ did for us and Emie is just starting to grasp some of these truths. Having a baby in the house was helpful with this as Nathan was very fascinated that someone so powerful could be helpless like our little Isaac. He also couldn't believe he would sleep in an animal feeding box - yuck! We tried to spend time each day of advent reading about the Christmas story, learning songs and Bible verses and of course, making those oh so beautiful homemade ornaments to adorn our tree.

Here is an attempt at getting a picture of all three in front of the tree after decorating. No smiles and one blurry foot, but better than the other attempts!

The older kids had fun making salt dough ornaments this year. They especially liked the painting and glitter. I absolutely love that when you are two or three you just can't have too much glitter. Nathan asked to put more and I told him I thought his star was already beautiful. He told me "but Mommy, more glitter will make it more beautiful!". Knowing that Jesus would absolutely love these excessively glittered decorations for his birthday, I gladly handed him the bottle and let him have at it.

I always thought I'd detest all of the homemade ornaments when they started pouring into our house, but secretly I really like them. The kids are just so proud to see their work hanging on the tree, that I can't help but like them.

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