Friday, July 06, 2012

9 months

Our little guy is not so little anymore!  Well, he is rather small of stature, but he is large of heart and cuteness! 

Isaac has had a lot of change in the last 3 months:
  • He is into everything.  Crawling, pulling up, and starting to cruise are among his tricks.  Thankfully, he responds to "no touch" and "come to Mommy" already :). Hopefully that lasts at least a while longer!
  • He LOVES water.  We have spent a ton of time at the public pools in our town and at Lake Michigan and he loves splashing and "swimming" on his belly. He has a pretty strong butterfly already.  When he hears the bathtub turn on, he squeals and crawls to the tub as fast as he can.  He has taken a few baths with both siblings and was giddy with delight to be a "big kid". 
  • He says "mama" and "dada" equally, but is a total Mama's boy so far. Every few minutes while playing he comes over to me and wants to rest his head on me for a quick snuggle. He does get really excited to see Daddy and I never get the full belly laughs that Daddy does.
  • He is down to taking two naps a day which leaves more time for fun.  He is a thumb sucker and sleeps on his belly with his bum in the air most of the time. A trait all of our kids have shared around this age.
  • He just got his two bottom teeth and he is still a constant chomper.  Nothing is safe from his chomp.
  • He seems determined to bring me lots of gray hair. In the last month he earned his first black eye when he did a swan dive off of his poor babysitter's lap, he cut the roof of his mouth when he found a matchbox car under the couch and decided to shove it into his mouth, and he had an allergic reaction to scrambled egg. Ugh. I'm thinking this boy will keep me on my toes. 
  • He now weighs 16 lbs 8 oz and is 27.5 inches long. He is 20th percentile for height and lowest 5th for weight, but he is our biggest baby at 9 months.  Our family might just need our own chart. 
  • He is a good eater for the most part. He nurses 4-5 times a day and eats purees and table foods for his three meals. His favorite right now seems to be yogurt. 
  • His nicknames include "Ikey", "Ikey Spikey", "Isaac the ice cream truck" and "Ikey d boy". 
He is still a happy boy and such a joy to our family! We are so blessed. 

1 comment:

MNK said...

He's a keeper!! Miss you guys lots!