Friday, November 20, 2009

Where to start?

When a blog has been hopelessly neglected? When the author of said blog is at best a terrible writer? Well, how about here . . .

We recently welcomed our second little one. Emilia "Emie" Grayce was born on August 8, 2009. She weighed 7 lbs 8.5 oz and was 20.5 inches long. From these recent pictures, you can see how much she has grown. She's 3.5 months now. She loves to look around, watch her brother and she always has smiles for Mommy and Daddy. She's rolling tummy to back, pushing up on her hands, 95% of the way to rolling back to tummy, sucking her thumb like it's goin' outta style, "talking" to her big bro, and giving her Mommy some much needed sleep :) Big brother Nathan will be 2 in December. He's a bundle of energy and is always, always on the move. He absolutely loves all things new and exciting in life and has no fear of the unknown. His speech has really exploded in the last few months and he's coming up with some sentences now. He and Bailey fight constantly for territory and Mommy's attention, but they have been seen cuddling now and then! Gus started a new job in July and it seems to be a great fit so far. Tracy is back at work after her maternity leave, but only 3 days per week. So far so good! Thanks for bearing with me - I'll try to post more often than every 4 years!


Spicy Magnolia said...

Yeah!! It's great to see you back in the blogging world and I will be a faithful and avid reader. :) Those pictures are wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving!!

MNK said...

What a beautiful family! I'm so glad you're going to blog - it's so much fun to keep up with people this way. Loving the photo shoot.

Kelly said...

LOVE the pictures!!! I can't believe how much your kiddos have grown so far! So glad you're blogging again!

Hillary said...

Such beautiful pictures! Emmie is getting so big :) I love seeing pictures of you all and what you're up to!
