Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas! - part I

Our Christmas was wonderfully full of family, food and fun. I'll give you a glimpse into a few of our special moments. Gus and I decided that we really wanted to have a quiet Christmas morning with the kids at home. We planned to open gifts, have a nice breakfast together and spend a little time telling Nathan about Jesus.

After a late night on Christmas Eve, the kids woke late. We proceeded to the stockings first. Nathan didn't really believe us that there were presents inside, but he finally agreed to take a look.

Emie did not have stocking gifts this year, but I don't think she minded. Playing in her Christmas jammies was excitement enough.

Once we made it to the tree for the gifts from us, Nathan decided that his wooden toy screwdriver was the best tool for opening gifts.

Whereas Emie decided that her gums were the best tool for the job.

All in all, Nathan took in quite the haul of toys. He certainly was the joyful receiver that I expected him to be and he made fast work of playing with all of his new toys. This is him with the Bob the Builder lego set that Gus and I found on craigslist. He spent the day moving them from room to room and arranging them "just so".

After this, we did have our breakfast together and we told Nathan about how it was Jesus' birthday that we were celebrating. Then, we headed over to Grandma and Papa's house for a celebration with my Mom, Dad, sister, Aunt and Uncle. I'll get to posting some pictures of that in the next few days!

1 comment:

MNK said...

What a wonderful Christmas morning - seems relaxing. Will have to try one of those relaxing Christmases next year...oh wait...that's the Keyes year which means 20 some people and four dogs in one house for 10 days. I'm thinking cruise instead ;)