Sunday, January 03, 2010

Grandma and Papa - Christmas part II

My Dad has become "Papa". That is the name that Nathan has given him. I like it though, because that is what we always called my maternal grandfather and I'm glad my little ones will have a Papa. What do your kids call their grandparents? Anyways, Christmas Day was celebrated at Grandma and Papa's house. My Aunt and Uncle came to visit us and, of course, Aunt Kelly was there. It was a wonderful day of conversation, gift giving, turkey eating, movie watching and playing. Here are some pictures of the day:

Great Aunt Donna and Aunt Kelly play with Emie

"Bob" takes a break from building to have his lunch

Kelly's handmade gifts were a hit! Above is the sock monkey she made for Emie, and below is a print of our house she made.

And one last picture of the expanded Mahoney clan. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

MNK said...

What a lovely picture of your family. I had a "Papa" Grandpa too. It's a good name.