Friday, January 15, 2010

One of those days

Cooking and cleaning can wait 'till tomorrow
For babies grow up
We've learned to our sorrow

So quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby
And babies don't keep

Today was one of those days. I woke up with many things on my agenda for the day. Cleaning, organizing, laundry, laundry and more laundry. But both kids have colds, both are teething and both were downright crabby today. Not many of the things I had planned for today happened, okay none of them really. Tonight after I had both kids down to bed (or so I thought) I started my nightly cleaning. Just as I opened one of the kitchen cabinets that I'd been hoping to re-organize today and just as a few sippy cups and some milk storage bottles came raining down on my head, I heard Emie start crying. Now this may not sound unusual to those with little ones, but my kids are very easy to get down at night 99% of the time. I let her cry for awhile to see if she'd resettle, but alas I could tell from the cry she was not going to sleep any time soon. So, as any Mama would, I went up to comfort her and begrudgingly began to nurse and rock, rock and nurse. As she melted into me, I remembered the poem above. My Mom cross-stitched this poem and had it hanging in the front hall of our home growing up. I remember reading it and smiling, knowing just how important I was to my Mom. She did not keep the cleanest house on the block, still doesn't, but over and over again, she put our needs before the little things of this life. As I rocked tonight, I was struck by the reality that these moments will be over so very soon. And I will miss them. Nathan has never really been a cuddly type and he still isn't, but today he followed me around saying "Mommy, I hold you". I suppose this is the way a very independent boy asks to be held. So yes Nathan, you can hold me.


MNK said...

It's been tough to leave my To Do List by the wayside...I think one of the disadvantages to having kids "later" in life or later in married life is that you are so used to it being just the two of you and are adjusted to a certain lifestyle and selfishness.

Lauren Gyorfi said...

so sweet. it may be the pregnancy hormones but I got a little teary reading the I hold you quote.

Spicy Magnolia said...

This was great, Tracy! I have a feeling that this is going to be one of those weeks, with lots of those kinds of days, so this was very encouraging to read. And with Brennan just having turned one, I'm soaking up all the days I can hold him!