Monday, May 10, 2010

Diggers and dresses

This past weekend was full of things for boys and girls alike. We are in the middle of a project to change out the sidewalk leading up to our house for one made of pavers. When we were checking out with some supplies at Home Depot we saw this little shovel, perfect for our digging boy. He has loved helping Daddy and Tito Dong with the "project".

Yes, that is my minivan in the background. Shoot, I'm caught! I'm a Mom through and through now! The worst part is that I love that van :)

While the boys were digging, I was photographing my sweet girl in her sweet little butterfly dress. Truth be told, both this tomboy Mama and her rough and tumble girl would thoroughly enjoy getting our hands in that dirt out there. And once she starts walking, we'll be out there for sure, but this day was about a girl and her dress.

Doesn't she look like such a big girl here?

Don't you just love these sweet little feet!?

"Mommy, that digging looks like a lot more fun than our little photo shoot." "Can I get in on that?"

Next time baby girl. Mommy will be happy to dig with you anytime you want!

1 comment:

Spicy Magnolia said...

Emie looks so beautiful in her dress!! I'm glad you opted for the photoshoot instead of digging, just for me to be able to see her in her pretty dress. :)

And don't you dare tell Matt about that mini van that you love! I'm holding strong on not gettin' one of those suckers, and your lovin' it won't help my cause. ;)