Tuesday, November 29, 2011

2 months

Isaac was 2 months on the 22nd! He has grown so much! Here is a little picture overload from the last month.

While hoods on baby outfits are a bit of a nuisance, they are so cute!

Daddy and Isaac snuggle time. He loves to listen to music!

He did not love his first bath, but is quite comfortable in the water now.

The boys trying on their winter wear when the weather suddenly turned cold. Nathan's still fits from last year. Yay!

Isaac loves to be on his tummy! I have a feeling he'll be a tummy sleeper like his big brother and sister pretty soon. He is able to roll tummy to back now.

He is smiling and "talking" a lot now. It seems that he wants to be a part of the constant action in our house.

Morning snuggle time with big sister Emie!

Overall, Isaac is doing great. He has been our easiest baby so far, which is very nice for a third! He takes 4 naps a day and eats every 3 hours. He sleeps an 8-9 hour stretch at night, eats and then sleeps another 3-4 hours. I love still having him in the bassinet in my room! I think I'll be sad when he moves upstairs to his own room :( He is also our biggest baby so far. He weighed 12 lbs, 6 oz and was 23.2 inches long at his two month appointment.

In the next month, I have to go back to work. So Isaac will be starting with our babysitter in 3 weeks. Our project now is to make sure he takes his bottles well and to savor our one on one days these last few weeks.

1 comment:

MNK said...

He is such a handsome boy. How in the world r u getting him to sleep that long! I must come study your techniques :) I'm just glad someone is getting sleep!