Sunday, April 01, 2012

6 months

Our little cutie turned 6 months on March 22nd. The last two months have brought big changes for our little guy! He's rolling all over, sitting up like a big boy and just this week has started getting up on all fours and scooting backwards. He started pureed foods about a month ago and seems to like everything he has tried. Green beans sometimes take a little coaxing and the little guy gets seriously excited for peaches.

His growth has slowed down a bit, but that is pretty normal for our kids. He weighs 15 lbs 10 oz and is 26.5 inches tall.

He is still a rock star sleeper at night and is taking 3 naps a day. I'm looking forward to the two nap stage to give us more time to get out and about, but we are fortunate that he is still able to nap on the go for now.

He doesn't have any teeth yet, but chomps on anything in sight. You have to watch your hands, shirt and whatever else around him because he will start gnawing on whatever he can get his gums on. He was sitting behind Emie tonight and grabbed a handful of her hair and started munching. She wasn't a big fan of that! Things could get interesting as our very hungry little caterpillar becomes more mobile in the months ahead :)

We all love our little Ikey Ike so much!

1 comment:

MNK said...

I love a chomping baby :) He's a keeper!