Thursday, April 12, 2012


We had a great time this year celebrating the risen Christ! We started out with breakfast at Egglectic Cafe with my parents and sister.

Here's hoping the Elmo bib keeps the Easter dress clean!

Isaac had his peaches and oatmeal at home, so he just rotated laps throughout the meal. Pancakes for you next year buddy!

Grandpa was pretty tired with Easter falling a week before tax day, but he stayed awake the whole meal :)

Grandma gave the kids their Easter baskets. They each became very attached to the small stuffed animals she gave them. Nathan got a rooster named Henley, Emie a duck named Puddles, and Isaac a bunny named Fields.

We took a few attempts at a family picture. I think this one captures a lot of our family personality :)

After breakfast, we headed to church. Then we came home for naps and had a group of our close friends over for dinner. We feasted and celebrated!

Some funny Easter stories to remember:
At the Good Friday service, Nathan was asking me about communion. I told him that my cracker stood for the body of Christ which is broken for us. After squinting at my cracker for a few seconds he said "so, that's like, his foot?". I looked down and low and behold, my cracker was in the perfect shape of a foot! We'll have to work on explaining communion :)

The kids were really excited to answer "He is Risen Indeed!" as often as possible. Emie decided to add a quack, quack to the end of it. "He is Risen Indeed, quack quack!". Apparently quirky is genetic.

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