Thursday, February 11, 2010


Nathan turned two on December 29th (yes, I'm a bit late on this one!). I thought I'd give a little update on what he is up to now. With this little boy it is more a question of what isn't he up to as he is always on the go. Here are a few of his favorites and his tricks.
  • He loves all things with wheels - trucks, cars, trains, etc. Whenever I'm driving alone and I see a firetruck or a bus or a construction site I get a little sad because I know that if my little boy were with me, he'd be beside himself with excitement.
  • He loves all types of sensorimotor play - clay, sand, paint, snow, helping me beat eggs or mix pancake batter, etc.
  • He has gotten very verbal in the last few months and now speaks in sentences. One funny little quirk is that when he's working on a new word, he tends to say it in a British accent at first. We have no idea why. I was mummy for a long time until he perfected mommy.
  • He loves to read books with Mommy. Recently though, he prefers to read them himself :(
  • He runs, climbs, jumps, can go up stairs by himself without a rail and is working on his somersault (I've nearly vomited several times demonstrating this one for him!).
  • He has started liking TV or movies in the last few months. His favorite cartoons are Bob the Builder, Mickey Mouse and Handy Manny. Whenever he persuades me to let him watch Handy Manny he goes and gets his wooden toolbox toy and baseball cap.
  • He knows his colors, shapes, and most of his letters and numbers
  • He is still very attached to his sock monkey named "monkey" (we're really creative here!) and sucks his first finger to fall asleep.
  • He's going "potty" some of the time, but still wears diapers all of the time.
  • He is very dramatic and can throw some of the best tantrums I've ever seen (we're talking 45 mins!), but thankfully they are becoming fewer and farther between these days.
  • He sleeps 11-12 hours at night and takes a 2-4 hour nap in the afternoon.
  • He's a decent eater some of the time and a really picky eater some of the time. Favorite foods are chicken nuggets, hotdogs, string cheese, yogurt, carrots, grapes, toast, avocado, rice, soup, and anything sweet or chocolate.
  • He loves to pray. He wants to pray constantly and will list off the people he loves.
  • He's still a peanut according to "the chart". He weighs 24lbs and is 34.5 inches tall. I don't know how I'll manage to keep his pants from falling down once he gives up diapers.
Well, I think that about covers it. Here are some recent pictures of fun with modeling clay. Yes, I've decided to be the kind of Mom that allows him to mix his colors once in a while!

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