Thursday, September 30, 2010

Apple Picking!

A few weekends ago we drove out to the country (well, not too country, the metra line does go there!) for some apple picking! We even convinced Tito Dong to come with us. He is wonderful with our kiddos and they adore him (and not just because he has been known to arrive at our house bearing McDonald's pancakes!).

Emie enjoyed toddling around the orchard and found some of our best Fuji apples.

Nathan enjoyed chomping into several apples, but wanted me to gnaw the skin off for him. Definitely a little too much fiber for me that day!

They're just better fresh off the tree!

We are pretty sure that Emie gnawed her way through at least 3 apples. Pretty good for only having 5 teeth!

Both kiddos enjoyed playing on all of the tractors they had on display.

We brought home quite the haul of apples and quickly turned them in to applesauce, apple butter and apple crisp. Yum!

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