Sunday, October 03, 2010

Celebrating 7 years with segways

Gus and I celebrated our seven year wedding anniversary with a day to ourselves in downtown Chicago. We went out to breakfast, went on a three hour Segway tour of the city, went out to lunch and just walked around the city.

A great view of the skyline from Adler Planetarium

We rode around soldier field, which was a ton of fun as we could play around with our new Segway tricks.

It was so windy at Buckingham Fountain we had to lean pretty far to keep from blowing away from each other!

It was a great way to cover a lot of ground quickly, see the city in a unique way and very fun!
We don't really go out very often without our kids, so it was a really nice chance to spend some 1:1 time.


Spicy Magnolia said...

That is such a cool idea!!

MNK said...

Happy Anniversary - you two. Seems only yesterday we were grilling you about who was "this Gus" person :)