Thursday, August 11, 2011

Emie is two!

Emie turned two on August 8th and we threw her a little party on the 6th. Since our sweet little girl also has quite a sweet tooth, the theme was lollipops and sweets. Here is one of the cupcakes I made. Emie was insistent on having strawberry cupcakes, but when it came time at the party to choose her cupcake, she couldn't resist the chwocwate :)

Here is the house set up for the party, before the guests arrived. I had fun making this banner and Emie was pretty excited to see her name hung in the living room.

Here is the big birthday girl enjoying her cupcake!

And her goofball big brother who didn't want to smile for the camera.

Emie adores her Grandma and Grandpa and loves to just sit on the steps with someone she loves.

She had to take a turn with Grandpa too!

Emie received lots of wonderful gifts at her party, one of them being a pink tricycle. She can't quite reach the peddles yet, but loves to sit on it and pretend to ride. Another inch or so and she'll be ready to chase down Nathan!

The party favors were giant lollipops and our kids certainly enjoyed theirs. Nathan figured out how to bite it into pieces and was able to take it down over a few days. Emie has barely made a dent over the past week, but she enjoys a few licks each night.

1 comment:

MNK said...

Happy B-Day, Emie!