Monday, August 22, 2011

One more month!

Today is officially one month until my due date with peapod! While it is likely I'll have a longer wait than that, seeing the date today still got me pretty excited! We still have a lot we'd like to get done before his/her arrival, but we're eager to meet our newest little blessing anytime.

This time around has been a little different as I have a very curious 3.5 year old who is full of questions about the whole pregnancy concept, and more recently, the birthing process. I thought I'd share a few recent conversations I've had with my deep thinking first born.

Nathan: Mommy, why does baby_____ sleep so much?
Me: Well, small babies get tired frequently and need to take a lot of naps.
Nathan: (while staring at my belly) I think peapod will be REALLY tired because it sure looks like A LOT of work to get out of there!

Nathan: Mommy, where will peapod sleep?
Me: Well, peapod will sleep in the small white cradle in Mommy and Daddy's room until he or she is older. Then peapod will sleep in the room next to yours.
Nathan: I think peapod would be happier in my bed. I'll go make room!
Me: I think peapod might roll out of your bed, a crib might be safer.
Nathan: Oh, you're right. Okay, I will go ask Emie if she can make room in her crib instead. (off he trots to discuss the proposal with his sister)

One day, I was helping Nathan get into his swim suit to head to the pool and I was sitting on the ground in front of him. He looked down and said "Mommy, (pointing to my cleavage) that would be a great place for peapod to come out! He could just stick his hand out when he is ready and I will grab it and pull him right out!".

Nathan: Mommy, I don't think you need to go to the hospital when peapod comes.
Me: I think it would be best if I go to the hospital. We will need the doctor to help when peapod is coming. Don't worry, you will have a lot of fun with Grandma and Grandpa and you can come visit after peapod is born.
Nathan: Superman helps people right?
Me: Sure he does.
Nathan: Well, I can put on my superman costume and then I can help you instead of the doctor!

He certainly keeps us on our toes! Emie just wants to know when she can have her own peapod in her belly. I'll let Daddy handle that one!

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