Friday, August 19, 2011

The soon-to-be big sister :)

Here is a video of Emie blowing out her candles at her birthday party two weeks ago. We all start out laughing at the beginning because as soon as I put the cupcake in front of her she said "Mommy, I need fire" and then started singing the Happy Birthday song to herself :)

A few fun updates about our very sweet and very loved little girl:

Emie talks non-stop! She is very similar to her brother in that she just loves to chatter constantly. We love hearing what she has to say!

She can play rough with her brother when she wants to and doesn't mind getting dirty, but she is definitely all girl. She loves all things pink, pretty dresses, mothering her dollies and she can definitely bring out the little girl drama when she wants to!

She loves to sing! Her favorite songs right now are ABCs, Itsy Bitsy Spider, I'm a little Teapot, and Arky Arky.

Her favorite foods right now are pancakes, blueberries and mashed potatoes. She made me mashed potatoes in the sand box today and while I was pretending to take a big yummy bite, she shoved a lovely shovel full of sand in my mouth. Interesting new experience for me!

In the last 6 months, she has become very cautious about new things. She needs a little coaxing to try out new playgrounds and stays pretty close to Mommy and Daddy in crowded or new situations. It takes her a little time to warm up and then her personality comes out. This is quite a change for us as her brother is 100% extrovert, but we sure love the snuggles!

Her favorite toys right now are her dolls, mega blocks, the train set and her play tea set.

Her current favorite book is "If you give a Pig a Pancake".

She hasn't really had a lovey to this point, but in the last 3 weeks has taken a particular liking to a green swaddling blanket that I pulled out to wash for peapod. She named it her "crocodile blanket".

She absolutely loves our neighbor and watches for him to come home so she can run out and give him a hug! He is the same age as my Dad and I think he really reminds her of her Grandpa (whom she is pretty crazy about too!).

She gave her Mommy the very special treat of potty training easily at 19ish months. I'll be forever thankful for the 6 month diaper break!

She is still a peanut, weighing in at a whopping 21 lbs at 2 years old. She is pretty average height though at 33.5 inches. She is currently eating like a horse though, so I'm sure a growth spurt can't be far away.

We think that Emie will love becoming a big sister in the next month. We are certainly expecting some jealousy as she is pretty into Mommy these days, but we can't wait to see her grow up into her new role. We certainly appreciate your continued prayers for our little Emie over the next year! We can't wait to see what God will do in her life :)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Thanks for the Emie update! She and Camille sound a lot alike! I am envious that she's potty training!!! We've introduced Camille to the potty, and she's willing to sit on it and asks to sit on it, but no action. I haven't really put much effort into it, though. A lot of people told me she'd revert back, so thought, "What's the point?" I still may try yet, it wiukdn't hurt. Would you be willing to share how you approached it?