Tuesday, January 31, 2012

4 months

**Major picture overload alert**
I can't help it. This boy has captured our hearts! He is cute, sweet and so very kissable :)

Isaac turned 4 months on Jan. 22nd. He has had a great few months and is growing up really fast, it seems. He continues to be such an easy baby! He is a good eater and sleeper and almost always content when awake. I know he'll be right in there causin' trouble and making me laugh with his Kuya Nathan and Ate Emie in a year or two, so I'm savoring these very sweet cuddly days :) Here are a few (okay, a lot!) of pictures from his last month.

Here is our little guy wearing his "Luke overalls". My dear friend Kelly and I bought matching overalls for our little boys when I was pregnant with Nathan and she with Luke. A month or so later, Luke went to heaven. I always thought of him when Nathan would wear these and now I think of him again when Isaac wears them.

Isaac is a raspberry blowing machine! If you hold him, watch out for slobber!

Isaac lights up whenever he hears his Kuya Nathan's voice. Although, he doesn't look thrilled to be sharing his gym!

Isaac has also discovered the joy of grabbing everything and chewing on it. Poor lady bug never stood a chance.

At four months, Isaac weighs 14 lbs 1.5 oz and is 25 inches long. Apparently, that puts him in the 30th percentile for weight and 50th for height. But I'm pretty sure if they had a "chart" for cheeks, he'd be 100th percentile for sure!

We had Isaac dedicated in church on his 4 month birthday. We didn't get any pictures of the actual dedication, but here is one of him having his diaper changed in the nursing room at the end of the service. It was sanctity of human life Sunday and we celebrated this little blessing from the Lord and prayed that God might order his steps and capture his heart as he grows.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Born to swim

Isaac had his first pool experience this weekend. I don't think we've ever taken one of the other kids swimming this early, but Isaac was pretty much able to float on his back without any help. I have heard that babies have a natural ability to right themselves in the water early on, but I always thought that sounded a little crazy to me. But our little three month old was just floating along like a little bob with us just guarding his head. Maybe there is something to those early swimming lessons. Don't worry, I don't think I'll be tossing my baby in the water and expecting him to survive any time soon, but maybe the idea isn't as crazy as I thought!

He even survived a few good splashes from his big brother and sister.

We'll see if any of our kiddos catch the swimming bug!

Happy Zoo Year!

We had a wonderful visit from Gus' sister and brother in-law for New Years. Being the wonderful tita and uncle that they are, they took the big kids for the morning to go to see a movie and for lunch at the mall. What does a Mommy of three do when she is suddenly alone in the house with only her sweet baby? Take a nap! The big kids had a blast and were thoroughly spoiled. They came back and crashed for a nap while we decided what to do with the rest of the day. It was unseasonably warm here, so we decided to head to the holiday lights festival at Brookfield zoo.

Here is Isaac all bundled up and ready for his first zoo trip! He actually stayed awake to go through the monkey house and I think he liked it!

We didn't get great pictures of the actual zoo because our camera was doing some weird things for some reason. The zoo had TONS of lights and was crowded, but in a good way. They had a laser light show that the kids really enjoyed. Emie is the little coat sitting on the table and our very accommodating Isaac is asleep in the car seat.

Daddy and Nathan snuggle up for the show!

The kids wanted to see the monkeys, the dolphins and the lions, so that is what we did. The only casualty was Tita Grace's feet as she thought we were driving through to see the lights and made a poor choice in footwear. We finished up the night with some Portillos and were in bed by 10. In my opinion, there is no better place to ring in the new year than fast asleep on your pillow!

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Let them eat cake!

Nathan turned four on December 29th! I feel like he turned from a toddler into a little boy overnight. We had a small party with family and a few close friends to celebrate. He requested a space ship cake.

And he got more gifts! I told people they didn't need to bring presents, but they all insisted that it is all the more important to receive birthday gifts when your birthday is so close to Christmas. I suppose they are right!

Nathan has certainly grown leaps and bounds this past year. He is still incredibly energetic, spirited, curious and sure to make you laugh :) He talks pretty much non-stop most of the time and really wants to know everything about everything. I can't believe some of the conversations we have on a regular basis. He still has a variety of interests, with current obsessions being dinosaurs and super heroes. He loves playing outside, wrestling, doing puzzles, coloring (but not drawing!), playing board games and reading books. He also still loves to sing and knows most of the words to the songs we hear regularly on the radio.

Highlights for him this past year have been his first trip overseas to the Philippines, first trip to the dentist, starting AWANA cubbies, taking swim lessons throughout the year, gaining a little brother and most recently starting preschool.

We love this boy to pieces and are excited to see what being four may hold for him!