Tuesday, January 31, 2012

4 months

**Major picture overload alert**
I can't help it. This boy has captured our hearts! He is cute, sweet and so very kissable :)

Isaac turned 4 months on Jan. 22nd. He has had a great few months and is growing up really fast, it seems. He continues to be such an easy baby! He is a good eater and sleeper and almost always content when awake. I know he'll be right in there causin' trouble and making me laugh with his Kuya Nathan and Ate Emie in a year or two, so I'm savoring these very sweet cuddly days :) Here are a few (okay, a lot!) of pictures from his last month.

Here is our little guy wearing his "Luke overalls". My dear friend Kelly and I bought matching overalls for our little boys when I was pregnant with Nathan and she with Luke. A month or so later, Luke went to heaven. I always thought of him when Nathan would wear these and now I think of him again when Isaac wears them.

Isaac is a raspberry blowing machine! If you hold him, watch out for slobber!

Isaac lights up whenever he hears his Kuya Nathan's voice. Although, he doesn't look thrilled to be sharing his gym!

Isaac has also discovered the joy of grabbing everything and chewing on it. Poor lady bug never stood a chance.

At four months, Isaac weighs 14 lbs 1.5 oz and is 25 inches long. Apparently, that puts him in the 30th percentile for weight and 50th for height. But I'm pretty sure if they had a "chart" for cheeks, he'd be 100th percentile for sure!

We had Isaac dedicated in church on his 4 month birthday. We didn't get any pictures of the actual dedication, but here is one of him having his diaper changed in the nursing room at the end of the service. It was sanctity of human life Sunday and we celebrated this little blessing from the Lord and prayed that God might order his steps and capture his heart as he grows.


Kelly said...

You sure do have a cutie! Happy 4 months, Isaac! Aww, love the "Luke overalls!" I barely bought him clothes, and those overalls were too cute to pass up! I had Camille wear them, and they were cute on her with a pink shirt! They have been passed along to little Gideon now!

I really like how you ended your post about God pursuing Issac, that wording is great!

MNK said...

Yes, Gideon has the overalls and I'll try to get a picture in them soon and post. Man, Isaac is just adorable. Those cheeks are AWESOME. He looks like a sweet soul :)

christin said...

Super sweet! I LOVE his cheeks!