Thursday, January 05, 2012

Let them eat cake!

Nathan turned four on December 29th! I feel like he turned from a toddler into a little boy overnight. We had a small party with family and a few close friends to celebrate. He requested a space ship cake.

And he got more gifts! I told people they didn't need to bring presents, but they all insisted that it is all the more important to receive birthday gifts when your birthday is so close to Christmas. I suppose they are right!

Nathan has certainly grown leaps and bounds this past year. He is still incredibly energetic, spirited, curious and sure to make you laugh :) He talks pretty much non-stop most of the time and really wants to know everything about everything. I can't believe some of the conversations we have on a regular basis. He still has a variety of interests, with current obsessions being dinosaurs and super heroes. He loves playing outside, wrestling, doing puzzles, coloring (but not drawing!), playing board games and reading books. He also still loves to sing and knows most of the words to the songs we hear regularly on the radio.

Highlights for him this past year have been his first trip overseas to the Philippines, first trip to the dentist, starting AWANA cubbies, taking swim lessons throughout the year, gaining a little brother and most recently starting preschool.

We love this boy to pieces and are excited to see what being four may hold for him!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Happy Burthday, Nathan! He has a lot if fun interests!